New 5-year subclass 870 sponsored parent Visa

New 5-year subclass 870 sponsored parent Visa

Sponsorship applications can be lodged from 17th of April 2019. Once a sponsorship application has been approved, a sponsored parent will be able to apply for a sponsored parent ( temporary) visa. Applications for the visa are intended to open from the 1st of July 2019.

Although no legislation has been drafted to implement the new subclass yet, the Department of Home Affairs Website displays an annoucement that contains the following passages (Emphasis Added):

On the 1st of March 2019, Minister Coleman announced that applications to sponsor a parent for sponsor Parent (temporary) visa will be open from the 17th of April 2019.

Once a sponsorship application has been approved, a sponsor parent will be able to apply for a Sponsored Parent (Temporary) VISA. Applications for this visa are intended to open from the 1st of July 2019.

The visa will provide parents with a new pathway to temporarily reunite with their children and grandchildren in Australia.

To be eligible for this particular visa, a parent must be the biological, adoptive, or step-parent of the sponsor , who must be a Australian citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident, or an eligible New Zealand Citizen.

Sponsorship applications can be lodged from the 17th of April 2019, visa applications must be lodged within 6 months of the sponsorship approval and cannot be lodged until the sponsor has received the approval.

This visa allows parents to remain in Australia for a longer period of time, up to 5 years at a time without departing.

Up to 15,000 Sponsored Parent (temporary) visas may be granted each program year ( from the 1st of July to the 30th of June).

The sponsorship application fee is: $420.00.

This visa allows parents to stay in Australia Temporarily for a period of upto 5 years at a time. A parent must be outside of Australia for at least 90 days before being eligible to apply for a further Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa. A parent will be able to hold visas upto a total stay in Australia of 10 years.

The Visa application Fee:

  • for a stay upto 3 years – $5,000
  •  for a stay up to 5 years – $10,000

The visa application charge is payable in to instalments, with one payment at a time of application and the remainder paid prior to the visa grant.

Visa holders will generally be subject to a “no work” Condition.

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